Azys Lla

Azys Lla is a great and mysterious land which was raised into the heavens by the Allagans more than five thousand years ago. Isolated by a barrier of high-density aetheric energy, the floating isle was cloaked from the naked eye, and drifted throughout the Sea of Clouds. However, after the discovery and use of an ancient key, the isle was rendered visible to the outside world once more.

Elite Hunt Mark Spawn Locations Heat Map

S RankA RankA RankB RankB Rank
Stench Blossom
mapbackground azys_lla All Locations

  The southern continent of Meracydia was a land of dragons. The monsters came in all shapes and sizes, each species evolving to fit into its own particular habitat. Take the coeurl dragon--a beast that made its home in the Meracydian jungles. It started off as a dragon like any other, but over time it lost its wings, being next to useless in the thick bush, it gained the flexible body and muscular limbs of a coeurl. They were fierce hunters and scavengers, driven into a feeding frenzy the moment they caught scent of beast blood. The merchant who posted the bill reckons one of these beasts, a coeurl dragon by the name of Leucrotta, is up in the clouds right now, living on an abandoned Allagan island.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
After Previous Kill: 84-132 hours
After maintenance: 50-80 hours
Kill 50 x Allagan Chimera, 50 x Meracydian Vouivre, and 50 x Lesser Hydra.
Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics
100 100 30
S Rank


  As the sun set on the Allagan Empire, they made their last big land grab?they invaded the southern continent of Meracydia, capturing scores of dragons and subjecting them to barbarous procedures that bent the creatures to their will. Or so the merchant who set the bounty believes. I don't know whether there's any truth in her stories, but if the technology to control dragons really does exist, I'd wager there's a fair few people in this world who'd gladly give every appendage to learn the secret. It seems this “Campacti” has turned up in her research as one such slave-dragon. No doubt the merchant's thinking it'll be easier to pick apart once it's been put out of its misery.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours. Automatically spawns after certain time after being killed.
Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics
40 30 10
A Rank


  Yep, you heard that right?we've put a bounty on a flower. 'Course, it's not just any flower. It's not just any mark, neither. Only the most fearsome bits of shrubbery get given elite mark status The stench blossom's a monstrous man-eating plant that's long been extinct in Eorzea, but this merchant's got it on good authority they're still up there on the Allagans' floating island. ...If you count the whisperings of a pebble as “good authority.” Still, if those monstrosities really are up there, and their spores were ever blown down on the wind and took root in Eorzea again... Well, it doesn't bear thinking about. If there's any chance she's right, whoever destroyed that plant would be doing the world a great service.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours. Automatically spawns after certain time after being killed.
Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics
40 30 10
A Rank

Stench Blossom

  This merchant's got it in her head that there's an enormous man-made island somewhere in the Sea of Clouds. It was built by the Allagan Empire as a base for their bizarre experiments, and it's still up there, teeming with the horrors their unholy tamperings gave birth to. One of the Allagans' favorite pastimes was to splice bits of different monsters together, creating godsforsaken chimeras to set upon their enemies. But it wasn't just beasts they tampered with?they had their wicked way with the beastmen, too. This merchant claims to have found a record of one of these experiments?they took a lizardman from the southern shores of Aldenard and crossed it with a vicious scalekin from across the Sea of Ash. The abomination that resulted from this unhappy union they christened “Lycidas.”
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds. Automatically spawns after certain time after being killed.
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank


Histories tell that in the dying days of the Allagan Empire, uprisings occurred one after the other in every corner of their vast territory. The imperial army came up with a plan both to suppress these insurrections and stave off revolt from within?they'd build an army of automata that would never disobey their masters' orders. And where better to station these soldiers than their magical flying fortress? It's the captain of these automata, “Omni,” the merchant's got it in for. No doubt this incorruptible defender of Allag wouldn't take too kindly to the adventurers she's trusting to strip this floating island of all it's worth and sell it to her for a pittance!
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds. Automatically spawns after certain time after being killed.
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank
