
Elpis is considered to be the “spirit of hope“ in Greek mythology. Alternatively, in Hesiod's Works and Days, Elpis is the final item in Pandora's box.

Elite Hunt Mark Spawn Locations Heat Map

SS RankSS MinionsS Rank A RankA RankB RankB Rank
Ker Shroud
mapbackground elpis SS Rank SB Rank> S Rank A Rank A Rank B Rank B Rank All Locations

  Myths serve myriad purposes, but one of the more prominent sorts is cautionary tales. Among such stories, those of Ker may be the most terrifying. It is said that Ker appears on the battlefield to feast upon the souls of the dead, hunting down the living she lays eyes upon unto the ends of the earth. She brings naught but a swift demise to those who dream of glory. If I was to postulate that Ker is not merely mythologica - which I do - she must be some manner of ashkin. Undead, in layman's terms. This would explain how millennia can pass without a sighting... However, legend has it that her 'shrouds' are ever in search of new prey for their mistress, so hope yet remains. Should you glimpse these spirits in reddened rags as you sheathe your own bloodied weapon, pray keep your wits about you...
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
Immediately after successfully killing all 4 minions that spawn after killing the zones S rank. After killing the S rank in the zone, mobs called Ker Shrouds spawn at various predetermined locations marked above with the black FFXIV circles. Find all 4 of them and kill them before they de-spawn.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
400 200 100 50 1 1
SS Rank


  Comparative mythology is a field founded upon the close examination of myths of different cultures, with the aim of identifying any common traits they may share. Amongst these commonalities, one in particular has fascinated me: the multi-headed snake or dragon. Ophioneus is just such a creature, a divine serpent found in several of the oldest legends that remain extant today. Initially, I believed it to be inspired by the hydra - a draconic creature bred artificially by the Allagans- until I discovered legends that predate even the Allagan Empire! There is a distinct possibility that a multi-headed serpent - this multi-headed serpent - once lived. Also, it likely ate cloudkin eggs. Write that down.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
After Previous Kill: 84-132 hours
After maintenance: 50-80 hours
Discard at least 5 x Egg of Elpis, purchasable from Aisara, the bicolor gemstone trader NPC.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
100 100 80 30 1 1
S Rank


  An Eorzean acquaintance of mine recently informed me of a most confounding incident. Evidently, a shark walking upon two legs assaulted the site of an annual faire! Though it defies reason, I cannot but feel...excited. Why, you ask? As a matter of fact, a creature with the selfsame description appears in Nymian mythology, a creature known as the 'petalodus'. I always found it an amusing thought, though of course the notion of a shark with ambulatory limbs beggars belief. ...Or does it? If we can verify that the petalodus once existed, I have my proof that certain Nymian myths must be founded in reality. And you shall have a charming story to share with your own friends, I'm sure.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours Auto spawn after certain time after being killed.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
40 30 20 10 Chance of 1 Chance of 1
A Rank


  Though I am not proud of it, there was a period of time when I spent a fortune collecting Allagan tomestones, intent on scouring them for information pertaining to mythology. One such tomestone related a tale from the southern continent of Meracydia. It centers a spirit that resembles a crocodile, a spirit by the name of 'Gurangatch'. Curiously, the myth claims that Gurangatch stands upright on its hind legs, roaming the land in search of... Never mind, that's not important. What matters is that I believe this to be more than a mere cautionary tale about the danger of crocodiles to their immediate community. Its inspiration must have been found in reality, and we are going to prove it!
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours Auto spawn after certain time after being killed.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
40 30 20 10 Chance of 1 Chance of 1
A Rank


  Legends of a great whale that roams the skies have been passed down from generation to generation the world over. Bismarck, the white whale worshipped by the Vanu Vanu and said to dwell amongst Abalathia's clouds, is merely the best-known example. Perchance such tales originated solely in the mind, ancient peoples shuddering at the sight of a vast wavekin, and imagining what horrors would reign should one take to the skies. Or perhaps, in the distant past, a creature akin to the mythic Lord of the Mists truly did inhabit the clouds... I believe it so, yet I need proof. My research indicates that the ancient creature would most closely resemble the south sea isles' legendary "Shockmaw", but even if I am wrong...I must know.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds Auto spawn 5 seconds after previous kill.
Sacks of Nuts Gil
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank


Ah, this one is most intriguing. There is a myth passed down in the far west - in the land known as the New World - that tells of a deity named Yumcax, believed to rule over agriculture. In this legend, Yumcax is described as an enormous tree that not only levitates, but is also possessed of a singular eye. Though there are certain similarities with the species of seedkin we know as treants, the differences are too marked to ignore. In the interest of respecting your time, I shall get right to the point: I believe Yumcax once existed, in a time before memory. Even should it be a mere twig or scrap of bark, I am counting on you to procure a sample that proves my theory.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds Auto spawn 5 seconds after previous kill.
Sacks of Nuts Gil
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank
