A verdant region centered around the Source, the great lake whence it derives its name. Rich in aether, this land has long been held sacred by the elves, its original inhabitants. Nowadays, it falls under the aegis of the Crystarium, mankinds final bastion in the war against sin eaters.
Elite Hunt Mark Spawn Locations Heat Map
SS Rank | SS Minions | S Rank | A Rank | A Rank | B Rank | B Rank |
Forgiven Rebellion
Forgiven Gossip
La Velue

This is a curious mark. According to my sources, they hail from beyond Il Mheg's borders, and may well roam all across Norvrandt. It's a mean bastard, even for a wandering eater. We've received reports of it actively seeking out veteran hunters, as if it craves the thrill of the fight. Which isn't to say that it fights fair. Sadly, several of our top Nutters have been ambushed while returning home from a successful hunt, which has led some to wonder if it commands lesser minions to guide it to promising prey. As for who it was before it turned?some say it was an elven soldier who led others in open revolt against the rulers of Lakeland before the Flood, all at the behest of the mysterious Shadowkeeper, and that like the Virtues, its unusual hunting habits are rooted in its past life...
![]() SS Rank
Forgiven Rebellion
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Sightings of this particular mark are first recorded in the days following the Flood of Light. When the doors of the tower that stands at the center of the Crystarium first opened, it is written that the Tyger came barreling forth like a shot from a cannon. But despite its grand entrance, it behaved little different than any other wild beast, devouring livestock and attacking hapless travelers. It rather likes meat, though it has a clear preference for poultry by all accounts. I can't say I entirely trust the accounts of its origin, but given its unusual appearance, I would be not at all surprised if it was indeed a creature come from another world
![]() S Rank
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Ever heard the tale of Nariphon? No? It's quite well known. Depends on who you ask, perhaps, but I'd like to think so. It's a favorite of mine... I mean, it's a story about fair maidens growing on trees! As in you could walk right up to it and pluck 'em from the branches. Tell me that's not the stuff of dreams! On the other hand, every naturalist you ask will swear that it was nothing of the sort. That it was people spying upon a tribe of cannibals in the middle of their dinner who convinced themselves they couldn't possibly be seeing what they saw. Me, I prefer the tree explanation myself, but...
![]() A Rank
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The Kingdom of Rainbows is filled to the brim with fae folk who delight in tormenting us poor mortals, often in ways that result in our demise. Well enough, I suppose, so long as they stick to their territory, but lately there's been talk of some coming into Lakeland. Don't believe me? Then how else can you explain the otherworldly horse seen loitering by the shore, attempting to lure curious folk into the water? 'Tis none other than Nuckelavee. A Fuath wielding glamours, most like, though none can say for certain. What I can say for certain, though, is that if you killed the devil we'd all be better for it.
![]() A Rank
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La Velue's a right bastard of a wolverine. Been reported attacking smallfolk and devouring livestock, and on the occasions some of the guard were able to respond, he made short work and a quick meal of them too. Understand he's not some rabid, uncontrollable beast, though. He's quick and cunning?able to size up an opponent and go to ground if he thinks he's overmatched. More than few foolish Nutters made the mistake of pursuing him like any other common prey...and paid the ultimate price for it. One of them was the fiancé of a friend of mine. Vengeance was sworn, as you'd expect, but I'd rather have you spare him the trouble.
![]() B Rank
La Velue
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The guard have their work cut out for them keeping the local fauna in check, but they manage well all things considered. However, there's one mark that continues to be a nuisance. The Ronka called it Itzpapalotl, a moth or some such that feasts on the blood of the living. You might scoff at the thought that a moth could be so dangerous, but know this: that moth once attacked a Crystarium outpost and claimed the lives of several good men and women. Do not underestimate the moth.
![]() B Rank
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