Ultima Thule

Ultima Thule is Latin for the edge of the world metaphorically. It literally means furthest Thule, Thule being an island that was the most distant known to the ancient Romans.

Elite Hunt Mark Spawn Locations Heat Map

SS RankSS MinionsS Rank A RankA RankB RankB Rank
Ker Shroud
Fan Ail
Oksh Rhei
Level Cheater
mapbackground ultima_thule SS Rank SB Rank> S Rank A Rank A Rank B Rank B Rank All Locations

  Myths serve myriad purposes, but one of the more prominent sorts is cautionary tales. Among such stories, those of Ker may be the most terrifying. It is said that Ker appears on the battlefield to feast upon the souls of the dead, hunting down the living she lays eyes upon unto the ends of the earth. She brings naught but a swift demise to those who dream of glory. If I was to postulate that Ker is not merely mythologica - which I do - she must be some manner of ashkin. Undead, in layman's terms. This would explain how millennia can pass without a sighting... However, legend has it that her 'shrouds' are ever in search of new prey for their mistress, so hope yet remains. Should you glimpse these spirits in reddened rags as you sheathe your own bloodied weapon, pray keep your wits about you...
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
Immediately after successfully killing all 4 minions that spawn after killing the zones S rank. After killing the S rank in the zone, mobs called Ker Shrouds spawn at various predetermined locations marked above with the black FFXIV circles. Find all 4 of them and kill them before they de-spawn.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
400 200 100 50 1 1
SS Rank


  The great expanse is overwhelmingly vast...'tis why its names are uniformly grandiose, you know. Having developed without contact to us, sentient life hailing from other stars would display cultural, intellectual, and indeed physical differences to ourselves. On a related note, do you know what I abhor most about our own physical forms? The spine, of course! I simply loathe this incessant lower back pain. Think of how liberating it would be to shed this mortal shell and break free to transform into a purely intellectual being! Regardless of what corporeal woes once plagued them, others amongst those boundless stars must have found a means to lay them aside. As their minds were once governed by biological impulses, you may find that the strong prey on the weak even so...but that is a risk I am willing to take!
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
After Previous Kill: 84-132 hours
After maintenance: 50-80 hours
Stand with 9 other players with the Wee EA minion summoned on the spawn point. The minion is purchasable from the bi-color vendor N-1499 for 500 bicolor gemstones after reaching Rank 3 for shared fates in the zone.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
100 100 80 30 1 1
S Rank


  What traits mark organisms as alive you doubtless wonder! Ahem. Most possess reproductive capabilities, the ability to evolve and adapt, and survival instincts or mechanisms. Even a machine, should it possess all of these traits, would be classified as a living organism. Which brings us to Omega. Was it, in fact, alien life? Yes, says I! To prove this, naturally, I require evidence both that Omega came to us from the sea of stars as the Allagans wrote, and that its species satisfies the conditions I described. Evidence of evolution from its home star, in other words!
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours Auto spawn after certain time after being killed.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
40 30 20 10 Chance of 1 Chance of 1
A Rank


  The half-wits who mock me with taunts that xenofauna do not exist ought to march to Dravania, that they might be devoured as penance for their stupidity! You must agree with me! 'Twas an ally of the Scions, after all, who spoke of how Midgardsormr did once travel the great expanse. This can only mean that the Father of Dragons and his offspring are technically alien life! If we can prove this scientific fact rather than hearsay, I will take great satisfaction in the dumbfounded expressions writ across the faces of those fools who banished me from the astronomical society...
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours Auto spawn after certain time after being killed.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
40 30 20 10 Chance of 1 Chance of 1
A Rank

Fan Ail

  My dearest gleaner, consider how the Allagan Empire deployed Omega to capture the dreadwyrm Bahamut. Consider the mighty clash between Omega and Shinryu at Baelsar's Wall! Do you not sense the presence of a hidden through line connecting these incidents? If we accept that there is some truth in the name dragon star and examine Omega's encounters in this context, is it not clear that both Omega and dragonkind hail from other stars at war for untold ages!? I shudder to think what ruthless machines such as Omega would do were they to make captives of the dragons, so very thrilling are the possibilities! Of course, it will be difficult to prove the existence of mechanical dragons without a complete specimen...but I shall accept any trace.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds Auto spawn 5 seconds after previous kill.
Sacks of Nuts Gil
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank

Oksh Rhei

If Omega was created by a civilization hailing from the depths of the sea of stars - as I theorize - then it must be far more advanced than we in the realms of science and technology. It is inconceivable that such intellectuals would not keep records on their mechanical devices. Furthermore, as competent scientists, they surely would have wished to ensure the data they collected was never tampered with save in ways they saw fit. If only I could prove that such a mechanical creation existed, I might be persuaded to add your name to a footnote in my book on the subject...
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds Auto spawn 5 seconds after previous kill.
Sacks of Nuts Gil
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank

Level Cheater