
The Garlean Empire controls the majority of the Three Great Continents, the enormous landmass that encompasses Eorzea. Until some fifty years ago, Garlemald was a remote and sparsely populated nation which held little more than a fraction of the northern continent of Ilsabard. But with the arrival of a technological golden age and the concurrent emergence of a brilliant young legatus -- now the reigning emperor -- in the span of a single generation Garlemald established itself as one of the most formidable forces in all of Hydaelyn.

Elite Hunt Mark Spawn Locations Heat Map

SS RankSS MinionsS Rank A RankA RankB RankB Rank
Ker Shroud
Emperor's Rose
mapbackground garlemald SS Rank SB Rank> S Rank A Rank A Rank B Rank B Rank All Locations

  Myths serve myriad purposes, but one of the more prominent sorts is cautionary tales. Among such stories, those of Ker may be the most terrifying. It is said that Ker appears on the battlefield to feast upon the souls of the dead, hunting down the living she lays eyes upon unto the ends of the earth. She brings naught but a swift demise to those who dream of glory. If I was to postulate that Ker is not merely mythologica - which I do - she must be some manner of ashkin. Undead, in layman's terms. This would explain how millennia can pass without a sighting... However, legend has it that her 'shrouds' are ever in search of new prey for their mistress, so hope yet remains. Should you glimpse these spirits in reddened rags as you sheathe your own bloodied weapon, pray keep your wits about you...
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
Immediately after successfully killing all 4 minions that spawn after killing the zones S rank. After killing the S rank in the zone, mobs called Ker Shrouds spawn at various predetermined locations marked above with the black FFXIV circles. Find all 4 of them and kill them before they de-spawn.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
400 200 100 50 1 1
SS Rank


  The Enceladeum is - er, was the Garlean Empire's greatest magitek manufactory. Many an innovation in engineering technology developed within its intimidating halls. Most recently, its engineers were focused on the development of humanoid machina. One of their latest models, dubbed "Armstrong", was designed with a self-regulation system never before seen in the Empire's machina. Unlike your standard machina, which require mission parameters and combat protocols be programmed in advance, Armstrong is highly autonomous and indeed has been described as having "a mind of its own". If it sights allied troops in danger, for example, it will rush to support them. With Garlemald in its current state, however, who knows what it's getting up to? The Faculty of Engineering certainly doesn't, but is nonetheless determined to find out what makes Armstrong tick...which is, of course, where you come in.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
After Previous Kill: 84-132 hours
After maintenance: 50-80 hours
Dying (not sure if this includes self destruct) at spawn points while wearing a Mended Imperial Pot Helm and a Mended Imperial Short Robe. The links provide locations where you can purchase this gear from Salvagers, unless you are a level 90 hoarder.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
100 100 80 30 1 1
S Rank


  Though researchers in Labyrinthos have pioneered technology capable of controlling the local climate, such control requires an immense amount of variously aspected aether to maintain. We must find a means to guarantee healthy crops without such technology, in even the most extreme of climes. The capability to do so is vital in cultivating untamed reaches but also for ensuring stability for already established populaces. Thus did the Studium's biologists set their sights on Aegeiros, with bark so resistant to cold that it thrives in the most frigid of climes. Admittedly, harvesting a bit of bark would require no great expertise...if our subject weren't known to prey on great bears and the like.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours Auto spawn after certain time after being killed.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
40 30 20 10 Chance of 1 Chance of 1
A Rank


  The Studium's engineers are currently developing a machine capable of operating in freezing temperatures, and have requested the procurement of a certain warmachina to aid in their project Minerva. Don't be fooled by the familiar name, this is a cold and unfeeling magitek avenger prototype that we are discussing. From what I understand, the machine was affectionately named after its creator's daughter. Which gives rise to the question: what kind of parent gives a magitek weapon modeled after the sasquatch the same name as their daughter!? Perhaps there is some manner of Garlean tradition here to which I am not privy...but I daresay dismantling the thing would be doing the poor child a favor.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours Auto spawn after certain time after being killed.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Dendroclusters Cracked Anthoclusters
40 30 20 10 Chance of 1 Chance of 1
A Rank


  A massive morbol from Dalmasca, the Emperor's rose was originally presented in offering to Solus zos Galvus. Subsequently, it was kept in a greenhouse located in the imperial botanical gardens. The creature escaped its enclosure some few years ago, and made its way to the frigid Eblan Rime, where the Garleans believed it had perished. Thus it was with great surprise that they discovered the creature had not only adapted to the extreme cold, but begun to propagate itself. One of our biology professors is perplexed by how this seedkin, born in the hot and humid climate of a jungle, managed to adapt to the polar opposite so swiftly. Much to our collective dismay, there is only one means by which to find out...
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds Auto spawn 5 seconds after previous kill.
Sacks of Nuts Gil
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank

Emperor's Rose

Ah yes, the warmonger... Developed at the Enceladeum, this autonomous, cutting-edge piece of magitek is programmed to ruthlessly slaughter whosoever it determines to be "the enemy". As you may have guessed from its name, it is not particularly discriminating in said determination. Nevertheless, the Garleans are one or two steps ahead of Sharlayan when it comes to mechanical engineering, so faculty and students both are champing at the bit to study it. Given its nature as an unfeeling machine of mass murder, it would be difficult and likely unwise to retrieve in an operational state. However, should it be appropriately dismantled, its parts ought to be sufficiently edifying.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds Auto spawn 5 seconds after previous kill.
Sacks of Nuts Gil
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank
