Welcome to Grievances Hunting 101

This website is an information resource for those who want to learn more about hunting in Final Fantasy XIV. If you are interested in hunting, this website will give you tips and tricks to keep up with the game.


  • Version 5 - Working on graphical updates, and getting ready for Dawntrail.
  • Version 4.2 - Maps finished, added all the tresure chest locations as well.
  • Version 4.1 - Got all the S ranks finally added, still waiting on spawn data on the last two. Working on map details next.
  • Version 4 - Getting stuff ready for endwalker. Data to come!
  • Version 3.5 - Updated Zone pages and other information. Still working on aestetics.
  • Version 3.4 - Working on version 5.05 stuff now.
  • Version 3.3 - Adding version 5.0 stuff
  • Version 3.1 - Preparing for version 5.0 shadowbrings.
  • Version 2.1 - Working on version 4.2 stuff now
  • Version 2 - Working on version 4.0 stuff now
  • Version 1.1.5 - Going to be working on monster images for a while, site is up and running.
  • Version 1.1 - Importing complete, finishing up some images of mobs and we will soon be ready to go live.
  • Version 1.0 - Importing information from the web as of Heavensward 3.0 .
  • Version .5 - Website Design complete.